Law Orientation 06

Tuesday, October 18, 2005

Interview Updates!!

1. Venue and Time

Download the interview schedule here!

Interviews will be conducted over two days, Wednesday 19th Oct and Wednesday 26th Oct.

The interviews on both days begin at 10.30 am, and end around 3.30 pm. Please check your email mailboxes for the most updated interview scheduling slots! Also please feedback any problems with the timings - we'll try our best to schedule you in properly.

Please do keep your handphones on as well, if there are any shifts in the timings we'll give you a ring to come down!

Apologies to those people we accidentally missed out in the scheduling! Please approach any of the exco to remind us, and we'll put your name in. =)

2. Committment Levels

We will be doing preliminary work once exams end in November, and will be working mainly on proposals throughout December. The level of work committment is lower during this period, so if you are planning to go on holiday, it's alright.

Two committees will start work slightly earlier. Marketing Comm will be organizing an End of Exams Bash, in roughly about five weeks, and will then go on to undertake fund-raising activities through December. Publicity Comm will be helping Marketing Comm.

Work will pick up in tempo when school starts, and will steadily build up closer to May. We will then have around 2~3 weeks of holidays in May, after which we will be working all the way for about 5~6 weeks.

3. OGL or Councillor?

Think of Councillors as the people who choreograph a performance, and OGLs as the actor/actresses who execute the performance. Forgive any possible inadequacy of this analogy!

But simply put, that is the difference. Councillors will be working steadily from December, refining proposals, testing activities, planning logistics, coordinating the cohesion of all the various elements of Orientation.

OGLs will only play a larger role towards the end of the planning process, helping to give feedback for the program and generally assisting to finetune the Orientation programme. Come Orientation itself, OGLs will be the face of O-Team, and in charge of galvanizing the freshies to participate whole-heartedly in the activities.

A good starting point for people trying to make a choice between the two, is to ask whether you are more comfortable working with peers to develop activities, or working with juniors and inspiring and bonding them with your enthusiasm and charisma. What would you be happier doing?

Please do not assume that one role over the other requires less/more responsibility/dedication etc. Both roles will require you to be equally committed!


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