Law Orientation 06

Friday, October 14, 2005

O-Team Interviews

Purpose of the Interviews

The Interviews will be used primarily to help the Exco decide how best to stream applicants into their positions within O-Team. The first step will be to decide whether an applicant is better suited to being an OGL or a Councillor. We will answer this question based on the applicant's own inclinations, as well as the strengths and qualities he can bring to O-Team.

The second step is to place the applicant into the Committee best suited for him, or to pair him up with a complementing OGL.

Interview Scheduling

As you can imagine, with the hundred and one different timetables we have, there will be problems coming up with a Interview schedule to fit everyone. We will first be releasing a Preliminary Interview Schedule over the next few days, and we need you to quickly respond by telling us whether you can make it for the Interview.

Interviews will be conducted over the next two weeks.

O-Team Sign Ups

Please do reach out to friends who want to join O-Team, but haven't made up their minds or submitted their details to us. Application to O-Team will effectively close with the conclusion of the Interviews, and therefore we need all interested applicants to sign up now.

Frequently Asked Questions

1. Can I be both an OGL and a Vice-Chair of a Committee?

The straightforward answer to this is no. Both roles would require a lot from you, and there would be a conflict of interest if you should have to manage both roles at the same time. Furthermore, it is desirable to have two spirited and talented individuals to fill both roles, instead of one managing both, so as to increase the vibrancy of O-Team.

Of course, every decision turns on the facts of the situation, so we might relax this restriction if there are extenuating circumstances. We are, after all, in Law School.

2. How do I prepare for the Interviews?

To facilitate the execution of the Interviews, it would be good if you gave some thought to the following questions.

Why do I want to join O-Team?
Do I want to be a Councillor or OGL?
If I want to be a Councillor, which committee would I like to be in?
If I want to be an OGL, is there anyone I can work with already? (If so please let us know)
What are my strengths and weaknesses in relation to Orientation?

3. What are the differences between an OGL and a Councillor?

For the answer to this, watch this space. We will be putting up a guide detailing the aspects of both roles, for you to better decide.

4. If I want to be a Councillor/OGL, but there's insufficient vacancies, what happens?

Ideally, we will stream you into the role you are most inclined towards. If the event that this is impossible, we will place you into another position which we think is best for both you and O-Team.

We seek your understanding in this! We really do need help from everyone to help fill out the roles for O-Team, instead of just having everyone do the most cushy jobs, like Night Court I/Cs or OGLs or FOCC Chair.


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