Law Orientation 06

Monday, October 03, 2005


For the time being, O-Team is being structured with six different Committees. This post will give you a quick idea of what each Committee is responsible for, to help you decide which committee best suits you.

1. Law Camp Committee

Responsible for planning all activities under Law Camp, such as Jungle Trek, Formal Dinner, Ice-breakers, Secret Pal, Night Court.

Will recce the new Bukit Timah Campus and develop new activities that will complement the different environment.

Will tackle the looming problem of accomodation for the freshies, as the new campus might not have hall accomodation in time.

2. Matriculation Week Committee

Responsible for planning activities such as Mardi Gras, Fright Nite, Beach Bash, Senior's Concert, Mock Lectures.

Will work closely with NUSSU in aligning our program with NUS' overall plan for Matric Week

Effectively a second Orientation with the pressing need to make the freshies who missed Law Camp feel welcome

3. Rag and Flag Committee

Responsible for sourcing for a meaningful Community Service Project, as well as managing the execution of Flag Day

Responsible for developing a Presentations item for the school's Rag Day

Will seek new ways to bring the freshies together to accomplish something meaningful and memorable

4. Marketing Committee

Very Important Committee!!!

Responsible for sourcing for sponsorship, organizing fund-raising projects such as End of Term bashes, and generally managing the Budget 06

5. Publicity Committee

Responsible for ensuring that freshies know about the various activities lined up for them, especially since there is no direct contact with them prior to Law Camp

Will also ensure that all Committees are kept up to date on developments in the other Committees

6. Logistics Committee

Virtually the backbone for all the Orientation activities

Responsible for managing human resources efficiently in handling all logistics matters

7. OGL Committee

The ambassadors of O-Team 06

Responsible for drawing the freshies in and making them enthused about the camp

Phew! That's the rough line-up of the Committees. Do think about where your interests lie, and where your talents will best help O-Team.

Remember, the OGL Committee cannot possibly fit all of us. =)


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