Law Orientation 06

Wednesday, October 05, 2005

Work Plan

In response to queries about when work for Orientation will commence, I have included a very rough outline as to our projected work schedule.

October 05 - December 05

The first thing we need to settle is the selection of the Exco, following which the Exco will help interview and stream the rest of the O-Team into the various Committees.

Leading up to December, we will be brainstorming and completing proposals for Orientation 06. As the entire program will probably be executed at the new Bukit Timah Campus, our effort will mainly be invested in devising a brand new kind of Orientation.

Do not be alarmed! The workload during this phase is very manageable, to allow for school work and preparation for exams.

Marketing Comm. will also begin canvassing for funds and organizing fund-raisers.

January 06 - March O6

Once the big picture has taken form, Committees will be spending time to refine their proposals. Cross-Committee proposal presentations will also begin, where each committee can start showing the rest of the O-Team the fruits of their labour and receive feedback.

April 06

Exams! Mug!

May 06 - June 06

Once exams are concluded, we will begin testing out the proposals by conducting dry runs. Expect a heavier workload during this time, as time will be needed to iron out bugs in the programming. The good thing is, there's apparantly not going to be any holiday homework, so it's a carefree two months!

Do take note: how heavy our workload is during this period is really dependent on the Orientation we fashion. It's our Orientation to conduct, and although we will be retaining the highlights of previous Orientations, it's still finally up to us to decide what goes and what does not.

So fret not - the earlier we begin, the more spaced out and well-paced our workload will be.


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