Law Orientation 06

Thursday, October 27, 2005

Allocation RESULTS!!!

Oh joy! The results are out!

But before we move on to that, will the following people PLEASE supply me with your contact details. Grr.

Aisha, Jolyn, Kamini, Nelson, Nikki, Ruishan, Troy, Yen Fang

Download the file here!

Alternatively, the postings are as follows.

1. OGL Pairings

Daryl and Kalyn
Joel Lim and Germaine
Wai Mun and Ping Ying
Kelvin Kek and Agatha
Aloysius and Weixuan
Jared and Jamie
Tris and Audrey
Migguan and Denise

2. Law Camp Committee

Chair: Teck Wee
Stool: Khairil
Charmaine Chiu
Daniel Leong
Hui Shan
Qi Jing

3. Matric Week Committee

Chair: Aziah
Stool: Nadia
Hui Qing
Hui Quan
Siew Mun
Wei Shan
Yen Fang

4. Flag Committee

Chair: Kaixiang
Stool: Navin
Charmaine Neo
Daniel Cai

5. Rag Committee

Chair: Huiling
Stool: Magdalen
Puay San

6. Publicity Committee

Chair: Chunying
Stool: Shangren
Daniel Chan
Joel Chen

7. Logistics Committee

Chair: Sangeeta
Vice: Zhichao
Chrystel Kwa
Yang Xuan
Yue En

8. Marketing Committee

Chair: Alina
Stool: Boonkiat
Alan Hu
Aloysius Tan
Darryl Soh
Dawn Tan

Allow the Exco some time to meet up to discuss roles and responsiblities before we have a huge mega briefing for everyone! Your individual chairs might be seeking you out in the meantime however... lastly, watch this space for Law Bash info! We need to sell tickets!!!

Wednesday, October 26, 2005

Conclusion of Interviews

Thank you all for the overwhelming response! We interviewed close to 80++ people, far far above initial projections of 12~13 people! =)

Sit tight, breathe deep, finish up the @&*^$(!* Research Binder, and the results will be out before you know it.

Sunday, October 23, 2005

Final Interview Session

The final interviews will be held on Wednesday 26th October, and the slots are as follows.

1030 - 1042 Hui Quan and Krishna Elan
1042 - 1054 Jackie Thia and Paul
1054 - 1106 Joel Chen and Lee Weiling
1106 - 1118 Joel Lim and Lester Chua
1118 - 1130 Jolyn De Roza and Lin Huiying
1130 - 1142 Kamini and Toh Puay San
1142 - 1154 Kelvin Kek and Vanessa Goh
1154 - 1206 Khelvin Xu and Viknes
1206 - 1218 Alison Foo and Weixuan
1218 - 1230 Eugene Nai and Petrina Wee


1330 - 1342 Lim Mingguan and Teo Wei Shan
1342 - 1354 Ying Ling and Cai Si Xuan
1354 - 1406 Priscilla Lua and Charmaine Neo
1406 - 1418 Ricky Kim and Nikki Chan
1418 - 1430 Siti Aishaha and Huang Yangxuan
1430 - 1442 Tan Wei Ming

Just to pre-empt, you won't be interviewed together. There are two interview groups!

Tuesday, October 18, 2005

Interview Updates!!

1. Venue and Time

Download the interview schedule here!

Interviews will be conducted over two days, Wednesday 19th Oct and Wednesday 26th Oct.

The interviews on both days begin at 10.30 am, and end around 3.30 pm. Please check your email mailboxes for the most updated interview scheduling slots! Also please feedback any problems with the timings - we'll try our best to schedule you in properly.

Please do keep your handphones on as well, if there are any shifts in the timings we'll give you a ring to come down!

Apologies to those people we accidentally missed out in the scheduling! Please approach any of the exco to remind us, and we'll put your name in. =)

2. Committment Levels

We will be doing preliminary work once exams end in November, and will be working mainly on proposals throughout December. The level of work committment is lower during this period, so if you are planning to go on holiday, it's alright.

Two committees will start work slightly earlier. Marketing Comm will be organizing an End of Exams Bash, in roughly about five weeks, and will then go on to undertake fund-raising activities through December. Publicity Comm will be helping Marketing Comm.

Work will pick up in tempo when school starts, and will steadily build up closer to May. We will then have around 2~3 weeks of holidays in May, after which we will be working all the way for about 5~6 weeks.

3. OGL or Councillor?

Think of Councillors as the people who choreograph a performance, and OGLs as the actor/actresses who execute the performance. Forgive any possible inadequacy of this analogy!

But simply put, that is the difference. Councillors will be working steadily from December, refining proposals, testing activities, planning logistics, coordinating the cohesion of all the various elements of Orientation.

OGLs will only play a larger role towards the end of the planning process, helping to give feedback for the program and generally assisting to finetune the Orientation programme. Come Orientation itself, OGLs will be the face of O-Team, and in charge of galvanizing the freshies to participate whole-heartedly in the activities.

A good starting point for people trying to make a choice between the two, is to ask whether you are more comfortable working with peers to develop activities, or working with juniors and inspiring and bonding them with your enthusiasm and charisma. What would you be happier doing?

Please do not assume that one role over the other requires less/more responsibility/dedication etc. Both roles will require you to be equally committed!

Monday, October 17, 2005

Interview Slots Update

The timings are out! I've mailed the provisional timing slot allocation to you! Please do check and see if any changes need to be made.

We apologize for the haste with which we have scheduled the interviews, and understand that many of you might not be able to make it due to the lack of reasonable notice. However, we are under a tight schedule, and wish to expediate this process as quickly as possible.

I will try to ascertain during lecture just how many people cannot make it for the timings given. Please do bear with us as we try to complete this tricky process of scheduling over 70 people.

The two days for Interviews are Wednesday 19th Oct from 1030 am to 230 pm, and Wednesday 26th Oct, same time.

Friday, October 14, 2005

O-Team Interviews

Purpose of the Interviews

The Interviews will be used primarily to help the Exco decide how best to stream applicants into their positions within O-Team. The first step will be to decide whether an applicant is better suited to being an OGL or a Councillor. We will answer this question based on the applicant's own inclinations, as well as the strengths and qualities he can bring to O-Team.

The second step is to place the applicant into the Committee best suited for him, or to pair him up with a complementing OGL.

Interview Scheduling

As you can imagine, with the hundred and one different timetables we have, there will be problems coming up with a Interview schedule to fit everyone. We will first be releasing a Preliminary Interview Schedule over the next few days, and we need you to quickly respond by telling us whether you can make it for the Interview.

Interviews will be conducted over the next two weeks.

O-Team Sign Ups

Please do reach out to friends who want to join O-Team, but haven't made up their minds or submitted their details to us. Application to O-Team will effectively close with the conclusion of the Interviews, and therefore we need all interested applicants to sign up now.

Frequently Asked Questions

1. Can I be both an OGL and a Vice-Chair of a Committee?

The straightforward answer to this is no. Both roles would require a lot from you, and there would be a conflict of interest if you should have to manage both roles at the same time. Furthermore, it is desirable to have two spirited and talented individuals to fill both roles, instead of one managing both, so as to increase the vibrancy of O-Team.

Of course, every decision turns on the facts of the situation, so we might relax this restriction if there are extenuating circumstances. We are, after all, in Law School.

2. How do I prepare for the Interviews?

To facilitate the execution of the Interviews, it would be good if you gave some thought to the following questions.

Why do I want to join O-Team?
Do I want to be a Councillor or OGL?
If I want to be a Councillor, which committee would I like to be in?
If I want to be an OGL, is there anyone I can work with already? (If so please let us know)
What are my strengths and weaknesses in relation to Orientation?

3. What are the differences between an OGL and a Councillor?

For the answer to this, watch this space. We will be putting up a guide detailing the aspects of both roles, for you to better decide.

4. If I want to be a Councillor/OGL, but there's insufficient vacancies, what happens?

Ideally, we will stream you into the role you are most inclined towards. If the event that this is impossible, we will place you into another position which we think is best for both you and O-Team.

We seek your understanding in this! We really do need help from everyone to help fill out the roles for O-Team, instead of just having everyone do the most cushy jobs, like Night Court I/Cs or OGLs or FOCC Chair.

Thursday, October 13, 2005

Exco Selection Results!!

The Exco has finally been determined!

FOCC Vice-Chair: Lynn Tan
Secretary: Daniel Yeo
Matric Week Chair: Nurul Aziah Hussin
Logistics Chair: Sangeetha Yogendran
Law Camp Chair: Tiong Teck Wee
Flag Chair: Teo Kaixiang
Rag Chair: Teo Huiling
Publicity Chair: Ng Chunying
Marketing Chair: Alina Chia

The Chairs will be scouting for their Vice-Chairs over the next few days. Please do approach them to volunteer yourself for Vice-Chair if you feel you can help them!

Interviews for the streaming of OGLs and Councillors will begin, hopefully, by next week. If you know of people who are interested in joining Orientation, but have yet to submit their names to sign up, please do encourage them to. This would greatly facilitate the schduling of interviews!

Sunday, October 09, 2005

Interview Time Slots

The Exco Selection Interviews will be held on Tuesday 11th Oct from 1.30pm, at the Law Club Room!!

1.30 pm - Alina Chia
1.45 pm - Aziah Hussin
2.00 pm - Daniel Yeo
2.15 pm - Daryl You
2.30 pm - Ong Shu-Wen
2.45 pm - Sangeeta
3.00 pm - Joel Lim
3.15 pm - Koh Shang Ren
3.30 pm - Lester Chua
3.45 pm - Lynn Tan
4.00 pm - Nadia Yeo
4.15 pm - Ng Chunying
4.30 pm - Dawn Tan
4.45 pm - Jared Chen
5.00 pm - Teo Kaixiang
5.15 pm - Tiong Teck Wee

Saturday, October 08, 2005

Real-Time Nomination Updates!!

We have currently received Exco nominations for Dawn Tan, Teo Kaixiang, Daniel Yeo, Ong Shu-Wen, Lynn Tan, Jared Chen, Sangeeta, Koh Shang Ren, Daryl You, Alina Chia, Joel Lim, Aziah Hussin, Lester Chua, Nadia Yeo, Ng Chunying and Tiong Teck Wee.

Thanks to everyone who has taken the time and effort to send in your nominations. The nominations are now closed.

All nominees please watch your mailbox today for an email with information regarding the interviews next week!!

Wednesday, October 05, 2005

Work Plan

In response to queries about when work for Orientation will commence, I have included a very rough outline as to our projected work schedule.

October 05 - December 05

The first thing we need to settle is the selection of the Exco, following which the Exco will help interview and stream the rest of the O-Team into the various Committees.

Leading up to December, we will be brainstorming and completing proposals for Orientation 06. As the entire program will probably be executed at the new Bukit Timah Campus, our effort will mainly be invested in devising a brand new kind of Orientation.

Do not be alarmed! The workload during this phase is very manageable, to allow for school work and preparation for exams.

Marketing Comm. will also begin canvassing for funds and organizing fund-raisers.

January 06 - March O6

Once the big picture has taken form, Committees will be spending time to refine their proposals. Cross-Committee proposal presentations will also begin, where each committee can start showing the rest of the O-Team the fruits of their labour and receive feedback.

April 06

Exams! Mug!

May 06 - June 06

Once exams are concluded, we will begin testing out the proposals by conducting dry runs. Expect a heavier workload during this time, as time will be needed to iron out bugs in the programming. The good thing is, there's apparantly not going to be any holiday homework, so it's a carefree two months!

Do take note: how heavy our workload is during this period is really dependent on the Orientation we fashion. It's our Orientation to conduct, and although we will be retaining the highlights of previous Orientations, it's still finally up to us to decide what goes and what does not.

So fret not - the earlier we begin, the more spaced out and well-paced our workload will be.

Tuesday, October 04, 2005

Exco Selection

We've got a very nice number of 74 Year Ones who have expressed interest to join Orientation 06! Response has been very good, in comparison to previous years when initial recruitment drives netted less enthusiastic responses. =)

The next step in the formation of the O-Team is the selection of the Committee Heads (for more information about what the committees are, and their areas of responsibility, do refer to my earlier post). These guys and gals are extremely important to O-Team, for they will be the inspiration and driving force behind each committee.

The process is very simple. Nominations are now open for the Exco Posts, namely FOCC Vice-Chair, Law Camp Chair, Matric Week Chair, RnF Chair, Marketing Chair, Publicity Chair, and Logistics Chair.

You can just drop me an email at to self-nominate yourself for a specific committee you'll like to Chair. You can also approach me in school anytime! Lastly, you can also nominate people who you think might be up to the task, but please just make sure that they are interested in the first place.

Nominations close this Saturday 8th October 9am, as we'll need some time to arrange the interview schedules. Interviews will be conducted over next week, with the Law Club President Samuel, Vice-President Bob and myself in the panel. Dress code will be beach wear. Results should be out by next week too.

Now for the hard part.

Although many of us might have specific ideas of what we intend to undertake in O-Team, for example being an OGL, I implore you to do consider running for the Exco. I know the committment level will be higher, but the reality remains that we will still need a group of talented people like you to help lead the committees.

Even if you aren't sure which committee would suit you, but you feel you have the creative energy and determination to drive a committee, just come forward all the same. Of course, the best part is, after you've been selected Chair you'll get to choose a Vice-Chair to work with! How cool is that! :P

And of course, well, we can't basically have 74 OGLs and one FOCC chair. Hur hur. I'll die.

Thank you for your time.

Monday, October 03, 2005

Signing Up

As of Tuesday morning we have close to 55 people who signed up during the first recruitment drive. Based on last year's setup, however, we might need a total of about 100 people.

So please do drop me an email at if you haven't signed up yet! Include in your email your full name, your handphone number and Contract TG group!

Do direct any questions you may have as to the Orientation sign-up process to me as well, and I will try to answer them as best as I can.

And please do tell your friends to sign up and visit this page!


For the time being, O-Team is being structured with six different Committees. This post will give you a quick idea of what each Committee is responsible for, to help you decide which committee best suits you.

1. Law Camp Committee

Responsible for planning all activities under Law Camp, such as Jungle Trek, Formal Dinner, Ice-breakers, Secret Pal, Night Court.

Will recce the new Bukit Timah Campus and develop new activities that will complement the different environment.

Will tackle the looming problem of accomodation for the freshies, as the new campus might not have hall accomodation in time.

2. Matriculation Week Committee

Responsible for planning activities such as Mardi Gras, Fright Nite, Beach Bash, Senior's Concert, Mock Lectures.

Will work closely with NUSSU in aligning our program with NUS' overall plan for Matric Week

Effectively a second Orientation with the pressing need to make the freshies who missed Law Camp feel welcome

3. Rag and Flag Committee

Responsible for sourcing for a meaningful Community Service Project, as well as managing the execution of Flag Day

Responsible for developing a Presentations item for the school's Rag Day

Will seek new ways to bring the freshies together to accomplish something meaningful and memorable

4. Marketing Committee

Very Important Committee!!!

Responsible for sourcing for sponsorship, organizing fund-raising projects such as End of Term bashes, and generally managing the Budget 06

5. Publicity Committee

Responsible for ensuring that freshies know about the various activities lined up for them, especially since there is no direct contact with them prior to Law Camp

Will also ensure that all Committees are kept up to date on developments in the other Committees

6. Logistics Committee

Virtually the backbone for all the Orientation activities

Responsible for managing human resources efficiently in handling all logistics matters

7. OGL Committee

The ambassadors of O-Team 06

Responsible for drawing the freshies in and making them enthused about the camp

Phew! That's the rough line-up of the Committees. Do think about where your interests lie, and where your talents will best help O-Team.

Remember, the OGL Committee cannot possibly fit all of us. =)

Sunday, October 02, 2005


Hello one and all!

In the next few weeks, this blog will serve to keep you updated on the Law Orientation Team 06 selection process. It is often difficult to make announcements during lectures, and the constant stream of changes makes emailing everyone difficult as well, so do check back on this blog often!

Thank you once again for expressing interest in joining O-Team!